Power up Webflow with custom attributes

Various attributes to push Webflow that little bit harder.

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Slugify Input Value

This script instantly slugifies user input, transforming text into URL-friendly format by replacing spaces with hyphens in real-time.

Show/Hide Password Input

Unleash the power of user-friendly design with our password visibility toggle feature.

Replace Image Source

Change an image source based on a user's logged in status, uses Webflow's Memberships system.

Truncate Text

Truncate text when it gets over a custom count of characters.

Prevent Form Submission

Remove the ability to submit a form with the Enter/Return key.

Phone Number Format

This script formats phone number inputs for US and UK formats in real-time, appending the appropriate country code and arranging digits in the standard local format.

Custom Hotkeys

Hide and show modals and content based on your own custom hotkeys.

Relative Time

Mix up the way you reference date and time, e.g. "2 Weeks Ago" or "Three Days Ago"

Native Mobile Share

Share your CMS content and pages via a mobile devices native share functionality.

QR Code Generator

Create CMS powered QR Codes on the fly for social sharing and more...

Smart Form Inputs

Manages the visibility of input fields and the required status based on checkbox selections.

Rewrite Text Based on Userstate

Using Webflow Memberships? Have more control over your text content by making it user state specific.

Password Strength Indicator

Force a password policy for your app or membership site.